The first visit

Visit time:               75 minutes
Cost of the visit:     250 Euro

The scope of the visit includes performing the electro-resonance test (so called bio-resonance MORA test), discussing the test results and recommendations.
In my therapies I mainly use (according to their documented biological activity and own experience):
Dietary supplements: (trace elements, vitamins, plant substances):

  • Isopathic drugs Sanum,
  • homeopathic medicines,
  • anti-parasite medicines.

Please take your current medical documentation and if possible do the following blood tests (may be from the last 3 months):

  •  TSH
  •  morphology
  •  Aspat, Alat. (If Alat is greater than Aspat or with obvious liver problems - please make: HBS, anti-HCV)

For problems with too small or too many white blood cells or platelets or lymph nodes or liver or salivary glands: anti-EBV (mononucleosis=Epstein-Barr virus)    and anti-CMV (cytomegalia)
For thyroid problems: anti-TPO antibodies, anti-TG
With joint / muscle / rheumatic problems: RF, CRP, CPK, OB
For urinary / kidney problems: urinalysis, creatinine, urea

Visit registration